Where is Green Lake?
Green Lake is located in Central Wisconsin. Listed below you will find the approximate number of miles from each city.
Milwaukee – 94
Madison – 83
Fox Valley – 47
Oshkosh – 25
Fond du Lac – 23
Chicago – 183
Minneapolis/St. Paul – 254
How is the fishing in Green Lake?
The fishing in Green Lake is great! We have a variety of species including, but not limited to Yellow Perch, Bluegill, Large and Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Trout, Carp, and Bullhead.
What are the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in and Check-out times are listed on page 2 of your Rental Agreement. In most cases, check-in is at 1:00 p.m. and check-out is at 10:00 a.m. It is always best to refer to your Rental Agreement for the check-in and check-out times that are specific for your group.
Are linens and towels provided?
We provide one set of sheets for each bed and sleeper sofa. Guest towels are provided for the number of guests listed on the Rental Agreement.
How do I get the keys for the property?
A Property Manager will meet you at the property at the designated check-in time listed on your Rental Agreement. The Property Manager will review the property with you and then provide you with one set of keys.*
*If you will not be arriving at the designated time in your contract, or you are running late, please contact the Property Manager via phone, to let them know of your new arrival time, so they are not left waiting unnecessarily at the property.
Where is the closest Grocery store?
The are two grocery stores in the Green Lake/Princeton area. A Piggly Wiggley Grocery store is approximately 4-5 miles from the west end of the lake. You may visit their website for location details and a map. www.shopthepig.com/stores.store-233/
Crossroads Market is located on the east end of Green Lake at the intersection of Hwy 49 & Hwy 23. You may visit their website for location detail and a map. www.crossroadsmarketandfuel.com
In Ripon, approximately 15 minutes east of Green Lake, you will find a Kmart, Pick and Save, Save A-lot, and Dollar General.
Is there a boat or boat hoist provided?
There is a boat hoist provided next to the pier at all estates. You may bring your own boat with Proof of Insurance, or you may rent a boat from one of the downtown local Marina’s.
Green Lake Action Marina – (920-745-2600) – Speedboats, pontoons, personal watercraft, jet ski’s, Kayak’s and canoes
Two locations: 463 Lake Street, Green Lake – Yellow building, north of the Bayview Motel
485 Park Drive, Green Lake – Large marina, west of the boat launches and the downtown wharf at Decon Mills Park
You may visit their website at Green Lake Action Marina or reserve water craft by calling 920-745-2600.
Having problems with your boat? Who can you call?
Norton’s Dry Dock– (920-295-3462) – located on the NE corner of Cnty Rd T and Hwy 73 at W3886 County Road T, Princeton, WI
Shoreline Boat Center – (920-294-6221) – located at 509 Commercial Avenue, Green Lake, WI